Russell Eaton goes pink to support the Haven this Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The team at Russell Eaton’s Leeds and Barnsley are temporarily dying their hair pink to support the Haven’s Yorkshire in the Pink campaign, this October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. Russell Eaton is collecting money for the Haven throughout October and will have pink hair ready in time to celebrate the Haven’s 5th birthday ball, on October 12th, which is celebrating five years of the Yorkshire Haven in Leeds. Several members of the Russell Eaton team will be coming along to celebrate five years of the Haven’s support services.
Rob Eaton, Creative Director at Russell Eaton said ‘We are delighted to support the Haven’s Yorkshire in the Pink campaign and we believe that everyone should do what they can to support and raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness month. We are looking forward to celebrating the Haven’s 5th birthday and hope they continue to provide excellent services to those affected by breast cancer in the region.’
Elizabeth Barran, Fundraising Manager at The Yorkshire Haven, said “It is great to see the Haven receiving support from a local business and we hope that others will get involved and do something pink during this Breast Cancer Awareness month.”