Our creative director Robert Eaton was part of an amazing show held at the Round House in Camden London earlier this week for Wella professionals. The wella trend vision is one of the biggest hairdressing events an competitions in the UK and across the globe as it is held in counties across the world.
The show was watched by a packed crowd that were wowed as hairdressings elite showcased their work, with models produced by the Sassoons artistic team, the HOB artistic team, Toni & Guy art team, Adam Reed, Darren ambrose of course the look created by our own creative director Robert Eaton,
" It was amazing to be asked to create a look for the Wella trend Vision this year and a real honour to be asked, all of the hair created by the teams involved was very inspirational and we can’t wait to be working more closely with everyone at Wella more next year" Robert Eaton
Here are some shots of the work produced we hope you all like them…